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In Spring 717, Charles returned to the Kingdom of Neustria with an army and affirmed his superiority in victory at the Battle of Vincy near Cambrai. U.S. Veteran I walked the walk shirt. He chased Chilperic King and his Prime Minister to flee to Paris, before returning to deal with Plectrude in Cologne. He took over her city and dispersed her supporters. However, he allowed both the young Plectrude and Theudoald to live and treat them with unusual hearts in the Dark Ages era, the mercy of a former prisoner, or a potential opponent. very rare (it is also possible that historians were too admired by him but said so?). Following this success, he announced that Clotaire IV was the king of Austrasia to oppose Chilperic and topple Rheims-Rigobert's Archbishop, and replace him with Milo, a lifelong supporter.
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