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Franklin also noticed that the cooling principle of watching in a very hot day, he felt colder when wearing a wet shirt in the breeze compared to wearing a dry shirt. This redhead does not play well with stupid people mug. To better understand this phenomenon, Franklin continued to conduct experiments. On a warm day at Cambridge, England, in 1758, Franklin and a scientist friend John Hadley experimented with moistening the thermometer's mercury container with ether and using a blower to evaporate the ether. With each evaporation, the thermometer again indicates a lower, final temperature to 7 ° F (-14 ° C). Another thermometer shows room temperature of 65 ° F (18 ° C). In her "Evaporation Cool" letter, Franklin noted that "one can see the possibility of a person being cold to death on a warm summer day". Each year the cold storage food industry gives a Franklin Award to remember who observed this phenomenon.