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My kids accuse me of having favorite child which is ridiculous because my grandkids are my favorite

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For the above Hermanaric, the son of Achiulf, born Hunimund, and Hunimund gave birth to Thorismud. My kids accuse me of having favorite child which is ridiculous because my grandkids are my favorite. Thorismud gave birth to Beremud, Beremud gave birth to Veteric, and likewise Veteric gave birth to Eutharic, who married Amalasuentha and gave birth to Athalaric and Mathesuentha. Athalaric died in his early years, and Mathesuentha married Vitiges, whom she had no children. Both were taken to Constantinople by Belisarius. When Vitiges died, Germanus was a noble, cousin of Emperor Justinian, married to Mathesuentha and had a son, called Germanus. After Germanus's death, she decided to live as a widow. The story of how and why the Amali kingdom was overthrown will continue in its place, if God helps us.

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