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  • Writer's pictureshani brown

Listen I know I have a vagina but I’m gunna need you to suck my fucking dick shirt

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All four Viking fortresses were built in the second half of the 10th century and all are structurally similar, only in different sizes. Listen I know I have a vagina but I’m gunna need you to suck my fucking dick shirt. Each fortress is a circular wall and There are deep moats and two main roads intersecting in the inner city. At Trelleborg, Fyrkat and Nonnebakken have 16 long houses - large longhouse divided into four symmetrical groups; at Aggersborg there are buildings that are twice as large in diameter than other buildings three times as large. Outside the main walls with additional fences and buildings, the arrangement changes from one location to another. Although it is natural to use it for military purposes, the main purpose of these fortifications is to protect the local people, as well as to provide suitable accommodation for the Danish king's representatives.

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